Policy gradients are a class of reinforcement learning algorithms used to learn the optimal policy for an agent in a given environment. Unlike value-based methods that estimate the value of different actions or states, policy gradient methods directly learn the policy function that maps states to actions.
The key idea behind policy gradients is to adjust the parameters of the policy in the direction that increases the expected return (or reward) from the environment. This is typically done using gradient ascent, where the gradient of the policy's expected return with respect to its parameters is computed and used to update the policy parameters.
Policy gradient methods have several advantages, including the ability to learn stochastic policies (policies that select actions probabilistically) and the ability to learn policies directly in high-dimensional or continuous action spaces. However, they can also be more sample inefficient compared to value-based methods, as they typically require more interactions with the environment to learn a good policy.
Popular policy gradient algorithms include REINFORCE, actor-critic methods, and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). These algorithms have been successfully applied to a wide range of reinforcement learning tasks, including game playing, robotics, and natural language processing.
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